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Англо-русский политический словарь - relationship


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Перевод с английского языка relationship на русский



отношения; взаимоотношения, взаимозависимость; связь

to be on the side of peaceful relationship — быть за мирные отношения

to broaden the relationship — расширять отношения

to carry one's weight in the security relationship — нести свою часть бремени в обеспечении безопасности

to cement the relationship — укреплять отношения

to cloud the relationship — омрачать отношения

to create a good relationship with smb — устанавливать хорошие отношения с кем-л.

to dismantle a relationship — разрушать отношения

to disrupt a relationship — портить отношения

to end a relationship — прекращать отношения

to enjoy a workable relationship — иметь хорошие рабочие отношения

to enter into a person-to-person relationship — вступать в личный контакт, устанавливать личный контакт

to establish a good relationship with smb — устанавливать хорошие отношения с кем-л.

to govern a relationship — регулировать отношения

to have a workable relationship — иметь хорошие рабочие отношения

to improve relationship — улучшать отношения

to inject some warmth in the chilly relationship — вносить некоторое потепление в прохладные отношения

to lay the foundations for one's new relationship — закладывать основы для новых взаимоотношений

to paper over / to patch up one's relationship — сглаживать противоречия в своих отношениях

to reassess one's relationship — пересматривать свои отношения

to repair relationship — улучшать отношения

to sever relationship — разрывать отношения

to strain bilateral relationship — ухудшать двусторонние отношения

to streamline relationship — повышать эффективность отношений

to strengthen relationship — укреплять взаимоотношения

to withdraw from security relationship — выходить из пакта безопасности

relationship between church and staterelationship between nature and societyrelationship of science and practiceamiable relationshipbilateral relationshipburgeoning relationshipcity-to-city relationshipclose relationshipdisturbed relationshipeconomic relationshipequal relationshipequitable relationshipexpanding relationshipglobal relationshipharmonious relationshiphuman relationshipinterindustry relationshipintimate relationshipkindred relationshiplabor relationshiplong relationshiplong-term relationshipneighborly relationshipnew relationshipnormal relationshipoperational relationshipparty-to-party relationshippolitical relationshipproductive relationshiprelaxed relationshipsame sex relationshipsmooth relationshipstable relationshipstate-to-state relationshipsterile relationshipstrategic relationshipstrengthening relationshipstrenuous relationshipstrong relationshiptrade relationshipstransatlantic relationshiptranspacific relationshiptriangular relationshiptrusting relationshipunbreakable relationshipuneasy relationshipworking relationshipcordial relationship between the two countriesestablishment of a normal relationship with a countrynew type of international relationshippositive relationship with smbstrains in the relationship between smb

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См. в других словарях

  1) зависимость; соотношение; связь2) взаимное расположение (напр. поверхностей)•relationship in abutting — в контакте; в поджатом состоянииin coaxial relationship — соосноin overlying relationship — верхнего расположения; с верхним расположениемin overlying relationship to the bed — над станинойin slidable relationship — с возможностью относительного перемещенияin spaced relationship — на определённом расстоянииin stacked relationship — в виде стопкиrelationship of tool diameter to lengthclose accuracy geometric relationshipcompound angular relationshipcontrol relationshipdimensional relationshipdisorder relationshipgate-blade relationshipgeometric relationshipinterworking relationshiplinear relationshipman-to-machine relationshipmaster/slave relationshipnonlinear relationshipoperative relationshiporthogonal relationshippositional relationshipspatial relationshipstress-strain relationshipwork/tool relationship ...
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Англо-русский словарь
  1. взаимоотношения; отношения a relationship with (between, to) smb. —- отношения с кем-л. legal relationship —- юр. правоотношение he had a good relationship with his family —- у него были хорошие отношения с семьей (в семье) strategic relationship between the two countries —- воен. стратегическое взаимоотношение между двумя странами 2. соотношение whole-part relationship —- отношение целого к части strategic force relationship —- воен. соотношение стратегических сил stability of the strategic nuclear relationship —- стабильность соотношения стратегических ядерных сил to show the relationship between two things —- показать, как один предмет соотносится с другим 3. родство, родственные отношения in-law relationship, relationship by marriage —- свойство 4. юр. кровное родство 5. эвф. (любовная) связь I'm having a relationship with him —- я с ним встречаюсь ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) отношение, взаимоотношение 2) родство, родственные отношения 3) окружение, среда – causal relationship – dose-effect relationship – genetic relationship – host-parasite relationships – leader-follower relationship – prey-predator relationship – water relationships – weight-length relationship ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) отношение; взаимоотношения 2) соотношение сил • - agency relationship - arm's length relationship - competitive relationship - contractual relationship - cost relationship - customer relationship - debt relationship - employment relationship - inverse negative relationship - legal relationship - positive relationship RELATIONSHIP 1) (взаимо)отношения; связь 2) зависимость; родство – relationship at arm's length – customer relationship – informal relationship – input-output relationship – arms-length relationship – legal relationship – long-run relationship ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) взаимоотношение 2) зависимость 3) соотношение recurrence recursion relationship — рекуррентное соотношение - analytical relationship - approximate relationship - average relationship - cause-and-effect relationship - compound relationship - curvilinear relationship - defining relationship - degree of relationship - derived relationship - dimensionality relationship - direct relationship - dose-response relationship - dual-converse relationship - empirical relationship - equation of relationship - equilibrium relationship - exact relationship - exponential relationship - fictitious relationship - functional relationship - fundamental relationship - generalized relationship - hypothetical relationship - inequality relationship - inverse relationship - metric relationship - multiple relationship - multivariable relationship - nonlinear relationship - optimum relationship - ordering relationship - parabolic relationship - patterns of relationship - perfect relationship - probability relationship - regression relationship - relationship algebra - relationship relation - schematic relationship - similitude relationship - statistical relationship - stochastic relationship - straight-line relationship - structural relationship - synthetic relationship - topological relationship - trade-off relationship ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  взаимосвязь – inverse relationship – layer-to-layer relationship – reciprocal relationship ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  зависимость, соотношение reciprocal deflection relationship shear-moment relationship ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) отношение; соотношение 2) (взаимо)связь; зависимость - connect-edge relationship - cube-law relationship - ecological relationships - flow-stage relationship - Lacey relationship - master-slave relationship - model-prototype relationship - orifice relationship - rainfall-runoff relationship - solar-terrestrial relationship - spatial relationship - stoichiometric relationships - temperature-time relationship - time-depth relationship - time-distance relationship - triangular relationship - weir relationship - work/tool relationship - yield-octane relationship ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 the fact or state of being related. 2 colloq. a a connection or association (enjoyed a good working relationship). b an emotional (esp. sexual) association between two people. 3 a condition or character due to being related. 4 kinship. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 1741  1. the state of being related or interrelated studied the ~ between the variables  2. the relation connecting or binding participants in a ~: as  a. kinship  b. a specific instance or type of kinship  3.  a. a state of affairs existing between those having relations or dealings had a good ~ with his family  b. a romantic or passionate attachment ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (relationships) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The relationship between two people or groups is the way in which they feel and behave towards each other. ...the friendly relationship between France and Britain... ...family relationships. N-COUNT: with supp 2. A relationship is a close friendship between two people, especially one involving romantic or sexual feelings. We had been together for two years, but both of us felt the relationship wasn’t really going anywhere. N-COUNT 3. The relationship between two things is the way in which they are connected. There is a relationship between diet and cancer. N-COUNT: N between/to/of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 the way in which two people or two groups behave towards each other + between  (an improved relationship between the police and local people)  (We have a good working relationship with the managers.) 2 the way in which two or more things are connected and affect each other + between  (the relationship between poor housing and health problems) 3 a situation in which two people spend time together or live together, and have romantic or sexual feelings for each other  (I just don't feel I'm ready for a relationship right now.) 4 the way in which you are related to someone in your family  ( USAGE NOTE: RELATIONSHIP WORD CHOICE relationship, relations, relation, connection A relationship with someone or something is usually close, and may involve strong feelings Jane's stormy relationship with her husband. | What kind of relationship does she have with her mother? Relations between people, groups, countries etc are often about working together or communicating Relations between industrialists and environmentalists have improved recently. Relations is a more official word friendly relations in the workplace/between East and West A relation or relationship to someone or something, like a connection, is usually about a simple fact Jane's relationship to/connection with Jeff is that he is her uncle/boss. | What relation has temperature to humidity? A relationship between people and other people or things may be either close and full of emotion, or simply a matter of fact the relationship between bosses and workers | What's the relationship between temperature and humidity? ) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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